Monday, December 13, 2010

Brave New World Summery/Feelings/Review

Brave New World is about the meaning of freedom. Because of the lack of freedom, every one is manipulated and forced into thinking they have freedom, even though it is nonexistent.  A group of students are visiting the England Hatchery and are given a tour of the fertilizing room. They are shown the many areas of the hatchery by the D.H.C. including the embryo decanting room where they see how the embryo is manipulated in to a cast level by use of substances such as hormones, shots, and oxygen. They then went to a room where babies were conditioned to not like flowers and books by use of an electric floor. The are then shown a group of kids being taught “class consciences”. The tour group then goes outside to see the children playing when the see Mustapha Mond, who then tells them about the history of the world before how it was now. Lenina and Fanny talk how Lenina needs to see other men while Henry and another man talk about her in front of Bernard how hates them. Lenina then tells Bernard later that she would like to go the reservation. Bernard then goes to see his friend Helmholtz and Lenina goes to a club with Henry and then to his apartment.
At the reservation Lenina and Bernard witness old people and a ritual that involves whipping a young boy. They then meet John and his mom, Linda who is from the civilized world, and Lenina takes a soma holiday after getting back to their rest house. Bernard then leaves to talk with Mustapha. John thinks they left but finds that they didn’t, then breaks in and restrains himself from touching Lenina, whom he likes. Bernard then takes Linda and John back with him and Lenina. He then learns that he was fired and gets his job back by publicly humiliating the director, by having John and Linda come in. John came in and said “My Father”.
Bernard became Mr. popular and parties all night with John. John decided that the civilized world wasn’t all that great and refused to go. Bernard was ditched and became lonely. He then brought john to meet Helmholtz. And they became fast friends, but while they were talking Helmholtz started to laugh at the thought of mothers. Later Lenina tried to get John to have her by going to Helmholtz’s apartment, but her plan fails and she is forced into the bathroom. John then gets a call and leaves to see his mom before she died he then caused a riot by flinging the soma tubes out the window. Bernard and Helmholtz then get a call about the riot and race over to help. Police with soma vapor stop the riot and haul the three friends to Mustapha’s office for their sentenced the to Alphas are sent to an island but John was to be kept in England to continue the experiment. They discuss religion and history. John bids Helmholtz and Bernard good-bye. He then leaves to be by himself and moves to a lighthouse. He attempts to live in piece but is discovered by a delta group in a truck and witness him whip himself and then reporters and citicens decend on him. Lenina shows up and he whips her but then whips himself. He wakes up and hangs himself and the reporters find him hanging there but he got what he wanted, to be alone.

What I liked:
In Brave New World there are no wars between countries, as there is one nation with 10 states that each have a single controller for their state.  There is also no world hunger.  Every one believes they are happy and free to do as they wish.
The technology is more advanced than ours.  The lower caste all traveled by a large monorail system.  The alpha caste traveled daily by personal helicopters and by rocket for vacations.

What I disliked:
            People were not given a choice as their lives were mapped out completely from birth to death.  They were not able to move between the caste systems or choose what they want to be.
            People think they are free, happy, and can do whatever they want, but in reality they are manipulated and controlled by the 10 world controllers and hatchery directors.  The way the caste system is created is inhumane and not right by our standards.
            I didn’t like that people thought they were living in a utopia, because they really weren’t.  In reality, progress and science had stopped; there were no personal choices or freedom allowed; so it is not a true utopia.

            This book was written in 1932 in the midst of the Great Depression and while the world was still trying to recover from the slaughter of World War I. The misery in Europe made it possible for dictators like Hitler and Mussolini to take control and Russia was under the rule of Stalin and the communists. In this situation, Huxley’s vision wasn’t much of a stretch.
After reading the first two chapters, my initial reaction was that this is a very strange book.  After finishing it, I still find that it a very disturbing book, because it is one that makes you think that this could be a direction that our world is headed. We are currently losing many freedoms in America, “the land of the free.”

In my opinion this book is important because readers will find similarities between this world and today’s world, and make people suspicious of our governments, laws, regulations, and policies. That seems to be moving our lives in this unhappy direction.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Brave New World Chapter 17-18(Blog 15)

summery- John and Mustafa continue talking after the other two left. Unlike their conversation before it is about religion. They get into a heated discussion about the subject and John ends it by saying that he wants God, poetry, real danger, freedom, goodness, and sin.

Vocabulary- none

Importance- John learns why religion is not allowed.


Summery- Bernard and Helmholtz say their goodbyes to John and Bernard apologizes for he outburst at Mustafa's office and they depart after John told them he had wanted to go with them but was unable to and thus he bade them farewell. He then goes in to self-imposed exile at a lighthouse. He takes some things to get him started and solitude lasts only a little. Some people driving a truck passed and they saw him whipping and "purifying" himself. A movie is made of him doing this later made after several reporters attempt to get an interview. After the movie was shown people flocked to see him whip himself because they thought it was a stunt. They get what they want when Lenina shows up and he whips her but then he whips himself. The crowd start to hit each other but then it turns into a giant party. When everyone leaves he realizes what he did and hangs himself. Reporters come to ask questions but find him hanging in the air.

Vocabulary- none

Literary Devices- Many allusions to Shakespeare.

Importance- John would rather die than be in this world. It reinforces that John is a freak and an animal. It shows that things can’t be changed, because nobody is unhappy.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Brave New World Chapter 16(Blog 14)

Summery- Bernard, Helmholtz, and John are put in the Controller's office. They are then met by Mustafa Mond. He asks how John feels about society and he tells Mustafa that he does't like it. THe group goes in to deep discussion about why the world ended up how it is. Mustafa then tells them how he was almost sent to an island and Bernard freaks out and pleads not to be sent to an island. He then carried off and the conversation continues between Helmholtz, John, and Mustafa. He tells the two how he was a "cook" in science and could only cook what the "head cook" told them to. He then explained how he became the "head cook". Helmholtz then asked if he could be sent to an island with bad weather so he could write better. Mustafa conceited and suggested the Falkland Islands. He approved and asked if he could go see Bernard.

chary-adj-careful or cautious; not given freely


paroxysm-N-sudden spasm

abjection-N-a state of misery and degradation

Literary Devices- Many allusions to Shakespeare and other writers and their works.

Importance- John learns why society is how it is and why Shakespeare and god aren't allowed and that beauty and truth are the sacrifice for happiness and comfort.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Brave New World Chapter 15(Blog 13)

Summery- After leaving the ward room he comes upon a group of deltas waiting for their soma ration. John preaches to them to put away the poison and become individuals. He cuts off the soma box from the Deltas. The Alpha in charge calls Bernard and tells Bernard and Helmholtz what is going on. They race over and arrive as John begins to through the soma out the window. The Deltas begin to attack and Bernard hangs back as Helmholtz rushes in, to help john. John and Helmholtz get beat up but are saved by the police. Bernard gets blasted in the face with soma water. They set up a speaker system and distribute soma to the Deltas and Bernard, Helmholtz, John are asked to come quietly.

Importance- John learns that the civilized people aren't willing to change their ways because they are happy the way they are.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Brave New World Chapter 14(Blog 12)

Summary- John arrives at the Park Lain Hospital for the Dying to see his mom. He on the way to her bed he is confronted by a nurse who is confused by John saying Linda is his mom and proceeds to her bedside. After getting in to a good mood about his mom, a Bokanovskivfied group of children come in and start asking questions about Linda. He the pushed the kids away and the nurse then moved the kids back to the group after John threatened her. He then talked to his mom and she thought that it was Popè but realized it was John and began to choke. John ran to the Nurse and told he killed her. A mob of children began moving toward them but she defused the situation by offering chocolate to them. Three of the kids asked if Linda was dead but John ignored them and when they asked again he just pushed them over and left.

importance- John learns that like being born the civilized world, death in it is completely different from his world and is not a big deal in the civilized world.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Brave New World Chapter 12-13(Blog 11)

Ch. 12
Summary- The savage refuses to appear at a diner that Bernard was having that night. He curses at Bernard in an indian language and spits on the ground, as he had seen Popé do. An outrage occrse at the Savege's refusal to come, but the rage is directed at Bernard. Lenina had been invited but kept to her self because she knew it wasn't Ber nard's falt but was dissapointed nonetheless. The Arch-Community-Songster, a leader of the Ford celebrations, was there and tells Bernard to mend his ways and leaves with Lenina. After the last of the guest leave and slams the door and Bernard is left lone, begins to cry and then takes soma

Vocab.- Sepulchral-adj-serving as a tomb

2 Allusions to Romeo & Juliet
and 2 to the phoenix and the turtle

Importance-Bernard learns that the only reason he is popular is because of John.

Ch. 13
Summary- Lenina is still unhappy about John not going to bed with her and after talking to Fanny made up her mind and left. She went to see John and after he tried to tell her how he felt she grew impatient and confused. She asked if he liked her or not, and he replide yes. She then took off he cloths and made moves towards him. He then after being backed into a corner lashed out and told her to get a way from him. She beat a hasty retreet to the bathroom and asked if she could have her cloths. He then got a phone call and left. She the made a break to the elevator and left.

Vocab.- Trypanosomiasis-N-a disease cased by any minute, flagellate-protozoan
                                             from the genus Trypanosome

Foreshadow- The phone call
Allusion- King Lear's disgusted tirade against women.

Importance- John's hatred of the "Brave New World" is furthered by Lenina and shows how 
                   violent John is, partly due to his emotionality being tied to Shakespeare

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Brave New World Chapter 10-11(Blog 10)

Ch 10-
Summery- After the Director made a big scene about Bernard's unscocialness, Bernard came in and the Directer asked him why he shouldn't be fired. Bernard's reply was to let in Linda, who scared the whole crowd, due to her appearance. Then the main shot fired at him was when John came in and knelt at the Director's feet and said "My Father". The spectators began laughing and the Director ran out with his hands covering his ears. Shortly afterward he resigned.

Vocab.- Coquettishly- adj.- in a very flirtatious manner

literary.- Irony- The idea that some one in their society would become a parent is extremely funny to them.

Importance- Bernard saves his job and the Director is ruined by 2 mistakes. One is loosing Linda and getting her pregnant and another is telling Bernard of something that could be used ageist him.

Ch 11-
Summery- Linda on permanent soma-holiday is slowly slipping towards her death to John's disappointment. He batters the doctor with questions about her condition. Bernard, because of John, becomes uber famous with the pull of someone more powerful than his position. The down side: he made his friend Helmholtz into a not so friendly friend, and the world controller became an unfriendly, when he was lectured in a letter from Bernard on John. John then goes on a date with Lenina to a movie that affected each sense and made one feel as though they were in it. He then disappointed and frustrated her by not going to bed with her and dropped her at her apartment.

Vocab.- none

Dr. Shaw- to George Shaw
Mozart & Lucretia- Music writer/musician
"What's in those, those caskets."- The Merchant of Venice
"Oh Brave New world"- Tempest(Allusion&Irony)
Ariel could put a girdle 'round the Earth in 40 minutes- Tempest
Eternity was in our lips & eyes- Antony & Cleopatra

Importance- John learns that the civilized world is not all it's cracked up to be.

Vocab. 5

Lupus-N-constellation(Wolf), Disease- After gazing up at the stars for hours on end he found Lupus.

Effusive-adj-expressing feelings of gratitude- His effusive attitude was a genuine surprise to Jim.

Surrogate-adj-substitute- His aunt was a surrogate mother for Bob, and taught him to walk and talk.

Peritoneum-N-lining of the abdomen- "A most important part of our bodies is the Peritoneum," explained the professor to the students.

Viviparous-N-Bearing live young- Most mammals are viviparous except for the platypus.

Moribund-adj-point of death- The soldier altho moribund saved the rest of the squad by jumping on the grenade.

Fulminate-V-explode violently- The car suddenly fulminated in front of the building damaging it and several nearby buildings.

Malignant-adj-to spread- The rebellion was malignant and it spread across the galaxy.

Palpitating-V-beat or shake rapidly- His heart was palpitating so hard he could hear it.

Viscose-N-what rayon fabric or fiber is made of- The viscose was integrated in to the armor to make it more comfortable.

Hypnopaedia-N-sleep teaching- The teachers used hypnopaedia on the students to help reenforce certain aspects of school.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Brave New World Chapter 9(Blog 9)

Summery- Bernard leaves to speak with the world controller. John comes to see when they were going to leave but finds that no one is there, and begins to cry and thinks they left with out him. He the thinks to look through the window to see if any one was there. He the breaks the glass upon seeing Lanina's suitcase and climbs in. He open the case and starts to play with the zippers on the clothes and the perfume powder. he sees her laying in the bed and goes over to examine her and finds that he could unzip her clothe but doesn't and leaves as Bernard lands after getting the needed papers.

Lit.- Allusions- Romeo & Juliet- Lanina is a shrine
       Irony- John wants but doesn't unzip Lanina do to his society. But she would just jump into                    bed with him

Importance- John fears that he left as usual, Bernard gets permission to bring them back with him.

Vocab.- None

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Q1. What was John’s upbringing like? His relationship with Linda? His education?
A1. He was picked on as a kid and he was treated differently. He loves his mom but she didn’t like him back, he didn’t like it when his mom came home with random guys. He learned how to read and write because he was taught to read by his mom. He doesn’t know what any of these words mean but he can read them.

Q2. Why doesn’t Linda want to be called a mother?
A2. Because she is ashamed to have him because in her old society it is wrong to get pregnant.

Q3. What social positions do Linda and John hold in Malpais?
A3. They get treated differently because they are white and they don’t act like the savages.

Q4. What does John want in his life?
A4. He wants to have friends and a father. And a society where he is accepted

Q5. What does Linda tell him about the Other Place?
A5. She makes it out to be a great place but that is because she is programmed to and john might not like it because he doesn’t have to.

Q6. What does he learn from Shakespeare? How does he relate to Hamlet? The Tempest?
A6. He learns how to speak like them but he also gets the idea that if you think it is right you can kill somebody. He also tries to kill Pope while sleeping

Q7. What does it mean to discover “Time and Death and God?”
A7. There is no history or bodies so there is no history and they made up a god to fit their needs.

Q8. Why does Bernard want to take John to London?
A8. To use him as black mail against the director so he can get his job back

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Brave New World Chapter 8(Blog 8)

Summery- Bernard asks John to remember as far back as possible. John starts with Linda singing lullabies and how he woke one night to see a man looming over them and his mom telling him "not to while John was there" but in response he picked John up by his arm and tossed him out of the room. He then goes into depth about how the other kids and people treat him, and that his mom was attacked for being with other men and breaking one of the "nasty" looms, by three women in the settlement and wiped. John throws himself in the fray to help his mom but is also wiped. Afterwards Linda beats her son for being her son but soon smothers him because she loves him. More nastiness of the other boys soon traumatize John but he concentrates on reeding in order to get over it. Soon after he is given an old book on Shakespeare to reed, but just to practice. Upon reeding the book he learns that he hates Pope(<- funny "e") and stabs him in the back and expecting a wolup is instead turnd to look at him, he then tells him to "Go, my brave Ahaiyuta" in indian. Later, Bernard tells John that he and his mom can come with him back to the "Outside World"

Importance- John explains his upbringing. Which explains his behavior, and that sense he is different his mom teaches him how to read. He learns to concentrate on it, instead of the mocking boys.

Lit. Elements- Allusions- McBeth, John- John from the bible

Vocab.- None

Monday, November 15, 2010

brave New World Chapter 7(Blog 7)

Summery- Linina and Bernard fallow an older tribesman to the savage settlement and are shown that they don't have test tube babies. Bernard commented that they might be missing out on not having moms and family and that maybe Linina should have had kids. Linina finds the place very queer and they are then led to an area on the mountain that over looks part of the town, where a dance is preformed to bring the rain and so on. Then statues of an eagle and Jesus rise up from the underground part of the settlement and over look the wiping to death of a boy that walked around a pile of snakes as a sacrifice. Latter they meet John who want ed to be in the boy's place but wasn't allowed because he was different. The group then go to meet John's mom, Linda, was the woman that was in the story that the Directer had tolled. She had fallen, was found by the savages, and left unknowingly by the Directer who's name is Tomas. She was fat, ugly, and missing her world  when Linina and Bernard met her. She was worried that her son was acting to much like the savages and needed to be more like the people in her world. She then told them that the women here attacked her for acting like a normal person in the main world which in her perspective is the only way to live.

Vocab.- None

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Brave New World Chapter 6(Blog 6)

Summary- Part 1- Linina thinks of Bernard and comes to the conclusion that he is harmless and odd after talking to Henry. She then decides to go to the reservation with him. Later on a date he stops over the ocean to just look, and she becomes scared and convinces him to return to the city. They end the night with going to his apartment. The next day she asks if he had fun he said yes but wished it had turned out different but she didn't understand.

                 Part 2- Bernard goes to the Director to have his permit for going to the savage reservation signed but the Director regals him with a story about his own experience there, and how he lost his lover of 25 years ago. He then reprimands Bernard for his actions while not at work, and tells him that he will be sent to Iceland if it continues. Bernard then goes and tells his friend of this adventure and adds how he didn't let it faze him.

                 Part 3- Bernard and Lenina arrive by rocket in Santa Fe, New Mexico. They stay at a nice hotel and then go to see the Warden who bores them with a speech about the electric fence. They then fly to the reservation and see electrocuted corpses surrounding the fences. Lenina is worried about the savages, but the pilot tells Lenina that she doesn't need to worry about the savages because they've had enough experience with gas bombs not to mess with "normal" people.

Vocab.- none

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Vocab 4

Magnanimity-adj-very generous- His magnanimity was only surpassed by his love of puppies.

Mollified-v-appease someone's anger- He would only be mollified after the menace was killed.

Adage-n-short statement that expresses a truth- Mom kept saying, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away, except when you're us."

Caste-n-system of separating classes- The Romans used a caste society with slaves at the bottom of it.

Ignominy-n-public shame- The worst part was the ignominy, it alone absolutely destroyed the poor fellow.

Cajolery-n-convince someone to do some thing through flattery- No amounts of cajolery will get me to wear the hot dog costume.

Axiomatic-adj-self evident-  It is axiomatic in a democracy that people have the right to vote.

Ruminating-v-deeply thinking- I'm just ruminating out-loud, but eventually we are going to have to get something done.

Intrinsically-adv-belonging to itself- Intrinsically I always know the right thing to do.

Precipice-n- high cliff-  The princess was pushed off the precipice by the prince who didn't want to marry her.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Brave New World Chapter 5(Blog 5)

 Summery- Part 1- Lenina and Henry fly to a club to dance where they are the 401st group there. The club is huge the singers sing several sings including a song about the soma bottles. After dancing the club tells them to go home, they return to Henry's apartment.

                  Part 2- Bernard leaves his friend to go to a Solidarity Service. He ended up almost late but got there in time but sat next to Morgana(unibrow lady) and talked a bit. The service started but he felt out of place there. He later stood and said that he could "see" him but really couldn't. After the service he felt more alone than he did before.

Vocab.- None

Importance- Part 1- Shows what they do in their spare time.
                    Part 2- Shows what they do as a religous substitute.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Brave New World Chapter 4 (Blog 4)

Summary- Part 1 Lenina hops in the elevator and talks to Bernard about their trip to New Mexico. Bernard becomes embarrassed about her talking about their plans. He is not a normal Alpha and becomes shy. She thinks he is being funny when their conversation is interrupted by a Epsilon manning the elevator announcing they are at the roof. Bernard dislikes obstacle golf, and Lenina suggests it is a perfect day to play it. She runs off to jump in Henry's helicopter. They fly over London, and she remarks she is glad she isn't a Gamma trying to get on a crowded monorail. They end up playing golf.

Part 2 - Bernard mentally recalls the events that just transpired between himself, Benito, and Lenina. He was miffed with them even though they are acting like they are suppose to in their society. He then makes his way to his helicopter and tells the Deltas to wheel it outside. He is the same height as the Deltas and has issues with himself not being as tall as other Alphas so he ends up having to yell at the Deltas to move it. He visits his friend, Helmholtz, who is a standard Alpha. He is an outsider like Bernard not physically but mentally. Bernard has a mental break down thinking that people are suspecting him of something.

Vocab.- None

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Brave new world log #3(chapter 3)

Summary- The students and the director were visiting the playground when Mond who is one of the ten controllers shows up, and he invites them to a "history lesson." He teaches them the history of why the society has developed. He begins with "history is bunk" and then goes into the events that have been lost over time. While this conversation is going on, other scenes are happening such as the discussion between Lenina and Fanny. Fanny is telling Lenina that she needs to go out with other people besides Mr. Foster. She decided to go out with Benard Marx because he is a nice person and had asked her to go to a Savage Reservation. She also thinks he is sweet because he is shy around her, which makes her feel like she a world controller. He appears to be an outsider and doesn't like Soma.

Vocab.- none

Importance- The ten controllers have power over everyone else because they have access to the history of the entire planet.

Lit. Elements- History is Bunk - it means that people had to live in the present not the past.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Brave new world log #2(chapter 2)

Summery- In chapter 2, I learned that they have exterminated all languages but English so that the population is controlled in that respect. The babies are shocked and have many other types of "conditioning" so that they are set directly into what they need in their place in society. Then while sleeping, the kids are taught social skills through speakers under their pillows. Intellectual studies do not work because the kids don't understand what it means when they wake up. They turned Henry Ford into a god mainly for his invention of the assembly line. It is a reference in the story to the way the state creates kids through a medical assembly line with certain things being injected or changed environmentally, which determines how they develop as an embryo. 

Vocab.- Viviparous - adj - bringing forth living young rather than eggs or something else

 Hypnopaedia - N - The learning of lessons heard during sleep
Asafoetida - N - a bitter resin with an unpleasant onion-like smell

Lit elements- they refer to Henry Ford as god 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Brave new world log #1

Summary- So far a group of students have arrived at and are in the process of touring the hatchery by what appears to be the two main guys in charge. The students are copying down exactly what the director says. They go through several rooms showing the progression of the factory, which basically clones from 72 to 96 people from one egg using "Bokanovsky Process."

Vocab.- viviparous

part II

Summary- We have learned that the babies before they are born have already been give a level in society and what their job will be. The factory workers inject chemicals or change how the position in which the babies grow. The epsilon are the lowest level, and they grow up really fast and are not very smart because they are given less oxygen before they are born. The smartest people are given 100% oxygen. The babies' fate have already been decide, which could potentially deprive the world of the next greatest thinker or scientist. The tour then proceeded to the decanting room.

Vocab.- None

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Vocab 3

Chagrin-n-embaresment-To his chagrin, she told everyone that he had asked her out.

Detestable-adj-unlikeable/hated-The detestable food was served to the inmates.

Ethereal-adj-otheworldly-Her ethereal apparence caused caused several to ask her to dance at the party.

Imposing-adj-grand do to size-The imposing dragon blew smoke at the knights as they entered his layer.

Majestic-adj-grand, magical-He stared up at the majestic ship as it passed.

Contempt-v-feeling of hate-The feeling of contempt radiated from the camp as he entered.

Posterity-n-future generations of humanity-The results of their survey would be on file for posterity.

Sirens-n-Greak females that lure sailors to death-"Just as they entered the channel several Sirens appeared and the ship was never found," the old man told the crowd.

Pluck-v-to grab-Riding her dragon, she plucked the orb from his grasp.

Perspicacity-n-understand something well-The university professor had a great perspicacity of the works of Shakespeare

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mark Twain

The Califorian's Tale
page 303
1800's(50s or later)
Gold Rush
Tone - auther's atitude twards his or her subject
Lots of forshadow

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Journal 3

If I were captain, I would have turned off the rocket engines, which would have kept the EDS ship moving at the same speed as it had been previously.  This would have saved the precious fuel so then the stowaway wouldn’t have had to be ejected before entering the atmosphere in order to land safely. Using this plan might have taken a longer time to reach the destination, but at least the stowaway wouldn’t have had to die. I know I would have to face the government because I broke regulations, but it would have been worth it.  No one would have had to die. In fact, I might have been a hero at least to her parents and brother.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Jernal 2

The McClellan is a family of four, a mother, father, and two children. The kids are younger probably around 6 and 7 years old because they were outside throwing a ball to each other, and their nursery had an African wildlife theme. They got up at 7:00 a.m. and at 7:09 ate bacon, eggs, and toast. At 8:01 the kids went to school, and at least one parent drove to work. The mother may have overseen the cleaning of the house, and she entertained friends in the afternoon with martinis and egg salad sandwiches while playing bridge games. She enjoyed gardening, and the father routinely mowed the lawn. They had a large, friendly dog that liked to be with his owners. The kids came home around 4:00 because the nursery walls became alive with colorful animals, and they played until 5:00 when they took a bath. After dinner, the father smoked a cigar, and at 9:00p.m. a nighttime poem was read out loud for the mom. Her favorite poem was about humanity disappearing and nature continuing on without them.  

Vocab 2

Annul-v- declare invalid - The King annulled the law that kids were forced to go to school.

Anecdote-n- Short and amusing story - His anecdote about the raising the puppies raised laughter from the school kids.

Insolence-n- lack of respect - Unbeknownst to the student, insolence was not tolorated by the superintendent.

Churlish-adj- rude - His churlish attitude brought shame on him and his family.

Irate-adj- great anger - K.C. caused Mr. Fielding to become irate and he therefor banished him.

Efficiency- n - well organized and competent - He zipped through his homework with  his usual efficiency.

Cajole- v - persuade someone to do something - Batting her big blue eyes, she cajoled the poor sap into driving the getaway car.

Dastardly- v - cruel - Laughing maniacally the dastardly villain tied the girl to the tracks.

Pummel- v - strike/hit repeatedly - He groaned as she verbally pummeled him with the stupid song.

Perspicacity- n - understand things well - He lacked the perspicacity to pick up on her flirtation.

Quell- v - stop - The mounted police quickly moved in to quell the student riot.

Chagrin- n - embarrassment - To his chagrin she told the whole school that he had asked her out.

Assiduously- adj - carefully - He assiduously avoided the snake pit.

Maliciously- adj - intending to do harm - He maliciously released the viper in the school.

Monday, August 30, 2010


subliminal-adjective subconscious-
regressive-adjective authoritarian-
hindrance-noun barrier-
vigilance-adjective observant-
undulate-verb ripple
consternation-noun amazment,dismay-
vague-adjective unclear, fuzzy-
resilient-adjective durable-
intermittent-adjective random-
luminous-adjective bright-