Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Vocab 2

Annul-v- declare invalid - The King annulled the law that kids were forced to go to school.

Anecdote-n- Short and amusing story - His anecdote about the raising the puppies raised laughter from the school kids.

Insolence-n- lack of respect - Unbeknownst to the student, insolence was not tolorated by the superintendent.

Churlish-adj- rude - His churlish attitude brought shame on him and his family.

Irate-adj- great anger - K.C. caused Mr. Fielding to become irate and he therefor banished him.

Efficiency- n - well organized and competent - He zipped through his homework with  his usual efficiency.

Cajole- v - persuade someone to do something - Batting her big blue eyes, she cajoled the poor sap into driving the getaway car.

Dastardly- v - cruel - Laughing maniacally the dastardly villain tied the girl to the tracks.

Pummel- v - strike/hit repeatedly - He groaned as she verbally pummeled him with the stupid song.

Perspicacity- n - understand things well - He lacked the perspicacity to pick up on her flirtation.

Quell- v - stop - The mounted police quickly moved in to quell the student riot.

Chagrin- n - embarrassment - To his chagrin she told the whole school that he had asked her out.

Assiduously- adj - carefully - He assiduously avoided the snake pit.

Maliciously- adj - intending to do harm - He maliciously released the viper in the school.

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