Thursday, December 2, 2010

Brave New World Chapter 12-13(Blog 11)

Ch. 12
Summary- The savage refuses to appear at a diner that Bernard was having that night. He curses at Bernard in an indian language and spits on the ground, as he had seen Popé do. An outrage occrse at the Savege's refusal to come, but the rage is directed at Bernard. Lenina had been invited but kept to her self because she knew it wasn't Ber nard's falt but was dissapointed nonetheless. The Arch-Community-Songster, a leader of the Ford celebrations, was there and tells Bernard to mend his ways and leaves with Lenina. After the last of the guest leave and slams the door and Bernard is left lone, begins to cry and then takes soma

Vocab.- Sepulchral-adj-serving as a tomb

2 Allusions to Romeo & Juliet
and 2 to the phoenix and the turtle

Importance-Bernard learns that the only reason he is popular is because of John.

Ch. 13
Summary- Lenina is still unhappy about John not going to bed with her and after talking to Fanny made up her mind and left. She went to see John and after he tried to tell her how he felt she grew impatient and confused. She asked if he liked her or not, and he replide yes. She then took off he cloths and made moves towards him. He then after being backed into a corner lashed out and told her to get a way from him. She beat a hasty retreet to the bathroom and asked if she could have her cloths. He then got a phone call and left. She the made a break to the elevator and left.

Vocab.- Trypanosomiasis-N-a disease cased by any minute, flagellate-protozoan
                                             from the genus Trypanosome

Foreshadow- The phone call
Allusion- King Lear's disgusted tirade against women.

Importance- John's hatred of the "Brave New World" is furthered by Lenina and shows how 
                   violent John is, partly due to his emotionality being tied to Shakespeare

1 comment:

  1. Remember importance should be 3-5 sentences in length.
