Summary- So far a group of students have arrived at and are in the process of touring the hatchery by what appears to be the two main guys in charge. The students are copying down exactly what the director says. They go through several rooms showing the progression of the factory, which basically clones from 72 to 96 people from one egg using "Bokanovsky Process."
Vocab.- viviparous
part II
Summary- We have learned that the babies before they are born have already been give a level in society and what their job will be. The factory workers inject chemicals or change how the position in which the babies grow. The epsilon are the lowest level, and they grow up really fast and are not very smart because they are given less oxygen before they are born. The smartest people are given 100% oxygen. The babies' fate have already been decide, which could potentially deprive the world of the next greatest thinker or scientist. The tour then proceeded to the decanting room.
Vocab.- None
Riley - good summary. Did you notice any foreshadows or things in the story that made you go, "HHHMMM". Also, look up your vocabulary. It's good that you wrote the words down, but go further and post the definitions.