Thursday, November 18, 2010


Q1. What was John’s upbringing like? His relationship with Linda? His education?
A1. He was picked on as a kid and he was treated differently. He loves his mom but she didn’t like him back, he didn’t like it when his mom came home with random guys. He learned how to read and write because he was taught to read by his mom. He doesn’t know what any of these words mean but he can read them.

Q2. Why doesn’t Linda want to be called a mother?
A2. Because she is ashamed to have him because in her old society it is wrong to get pregnant.

Q3. What social positions do Linda and John hold in Malpais?
A3. They get treated differently because they are white and they don’t act like the savages.

Q4. What does John want in his life?
A4. He wants to have friends and a father. And a society where he is accepted

Q5. What does Linda tell him about the Other Place?
A5. She makes it out to be a great place but that is because she is programmed to and john might not like it because he doesn’t have to.

Q6. What does he learn from Shakespeare? How does he relate to Hamlet? The Tempest?
A6. He learns how to speak like them but he also gets the idea that if you think it is right you can kill somebody. He also tries to kill Pope while sleeping

Q7. What does it mean to discover “Time and Death and God?”
A7. There is no history or bodies so there is no history and they made up a god to fit their needs.

Q8. Why does Bernard want to take John to London?
A8. To use him as black mail against the director so he can get his job back

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