Sunday, November 14, 2010

Brave New World Chapter 6(Blog 6)

Summary- Part 1- Linina thinks of Bernard and comes to the conclusion that he is harmless and odd after talking to Henry. She then decides to go to the reservation with him. Later on a date he stops over the ocean to just look, and she becomes scared and convinces him to return to the city. They end the night with going to his apartment. The next day she asks if he had fun he said yes but wished it had turned out different but she didn't understand.

                 Part 2- Bernard goes to the Director to have his permit for going to the savage reservation signed but the Director regals him with a story about his own experience there, and how he lost his lover of 25 years ago. He then reprimands Bernard for his actions while not at work, and tells him that he will be sent to Iceland if it continues. Bernard then goes and tells his friend of this adventure and adds how he didn't let it faze him.

                 Part 3- Bernard and Lenina arrive by rocket in Santa Fe, New Mexico. They stay at a nice hotel and then go to see the Warden who bores them with a speech about the electric fence. They then fly to the reservation and see electrocuted corpses surrounding the fences. Lenina is worried about the savages, but the pilot tells Lenina that she doesn't need to worry about the savages because they've had enough experience with gas bombs not to mess with "normal" people.

Vocab.- none

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