Tuesday, November 15, 2011

DJ - #54

DJ - #53

DJ - #52

DJ - #51

Pg 200
‘Be quiet, Pearl! Thou understandest not these things, said her mother.’
Hester quiets Pearl and tells her not to acknowledge Dimmesdade because she still believes she needs to keep their love secret in order to preserve it. This logic is the same that lead her to lying about the sin in the first place. Their love is based on deception. Pearl is really the only one who understands their love because she is unconstrained by the rules of Puritanism.

DJ - #50

Sunday, November 13, 2011

DJ - #39

DJ - #38

DJ - #37

DJ - #36

DJ - #35

DJ - #34

DJ - #33

DJ - #32

DJ - #31

DJ - #30

DJ - #29

DJ - #28

Pg 134  ‘But before speaking a light….. shall unite all the letter A- marked out in lines of dull red light..’

Dimmesdale thinks he is being haunted when he see the light form into a letter A. Red symbolizes Pearl because she wears that color. This represents their little family. Although, at this point, the A no longer a symbol of evil because Hester through her good deeds has turned the A into something good. Hester has always admitted to her wrongdoing and has become a stronger person because of the A.

DJ - #27

DJ - #26

Pg 125    ‘I, your pastern, whom you all reverence….. he loaded for his miserable self.’
Dimmesdale is not able to make a confession that would release him from his inner torment because he is too weak. He tries a pathetic public confession saying that he sinned and did a terrible thing, but his congregation doesn’t think he could do anything that bad and find him in even higher esteem because of that.

DJ - #25

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

DJ - #24

"And there stood the minister, with his hand over his heart; and Hester Prynne, with the embroidered letter glimmering on her bosom and little Pearl, herself as a symbol, and the connecting link between the two...is if it were the light that is to reveal all secrets, and the daybreak that shall unite all who belong to one another."

Dimmesdale and Hester with A's and scarlet Pearl, the embodiment of the color and letter, are finnaly standing together as a familly. The sad part is that no one is there to see them. They also happen to be in the light from a meteor, which is red, and light which equals good, so by the transitive property their family equals good as long as Dimmesdale comes out about it.

DJ - #23

Thursday, October 27, 2011

DJ - #21

Pg. 119 ‘No! not to thee! …. Not to an earthly physician.’ Dimmesdale knew he would never confess to a physician; only to the Physician(God) of the soul because it was a soul disease. He felt that Chillingworth was meddling in something that should happened between him and God. Chillingworth said they would be friends again. A theme Hawthorne repeatedly states was that nobody should have the right to look into another person's mind or soul.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


1. Several countries participated in the airlift: Italy, Belgium, France, and Luxembourg.

2. "Only one course was open to us: surrender," said the ex-major, "and we did."

3. Judge Carswell-later to be nominated for the Supreme Court-had ruled against civil rights.

4. In last week's New Yorker, one of my favorite magazines, I enjoyed reading Leland's article "How Not to Go Camping."

5. "Yes," Jim said, "I'll be home by ten."


1) Leonora walked on, her head a little higher than usual.
2) The driver managed to escape from the vehicle before it sank, and swam to the river-bank.
3) Don't guess; use a timer or watch.
4) The convict said, "the judge is mad."

Monday, September 26, 2011


Dan cried when his dad shot the big bear that broke in to the garbage and was eating pizza

Thursday, September 22, 2011

declaration of independence

Out line the arguments presented in the document(what the say and why).

The founding fathers are saying that when ever a government has become oppressive and takes away their rights, it is the right of the people to rebel against that government and the are saying that Britain has become an oppressor.

The colonist claim, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."Governments are created to protect these rights. When governments no longer protect these rights, men have a right to change government Governments should not be changed for light reasons or reasons that are only temporary, but after repeated offenses its the duty of men to change them.

They charge King George III, with the aim to demonstrate that he has violated the colonists' rights and is therefore unfit to be their ruler

what they do:
The signers say that there are conditions that people must change their government, and that the British have produced the conditions, and by necessity must declare independence from Britain.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

p. 157 answers 1-4 A&B, 5b

1. Use debate to arrive at the truth./ He thinks it is his duty. If he doesn't he isn't doing his duty to god or his nation.
2. The enemy is already there and they are at war./ He thinks they are smiling and nodding and that they are planning for war.
3. They are at war and says that war is inevitable and is ready for it and wants it to happen./ They would become slaves and he doesn't want to be one.
4. He said that the colonies have tried to remonstrate and want them to leave them alone and the british have disregarded every thing an sent an army./ If the army and navy would go home and if parliament would listen to the colonies.
5B. The North Korean people for the most part are oppressed and would like to be free of their oppressors.


Sun Tzu of China, started espionage, a secret collection of information, two thousand years ago.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


John loves to wear and own hats, and his girlfriend likes to see him in a cowboy hat, just like his hero, John Wane.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

p. 151 answers 1-4 A&B, 5a

1. He carried papers and arranged the blocks for the printer. /He thought that he shouldn't have to do all the things his brother made him, because he was his brother.
2. He wrote under an allis, and tricked his brother into publishing his works. /His brother would refuse to print his works. He wanted to prove that he could write well.
3. He couldn't own a paper and still be an apprentice. / He was happy because he could finally say he wrote his stories. He was saying that he was young and he matured.
4. He was clever, and ambition and drive to say he was done. / His brother had low expectations of him and then Franklin could write his stories. the disadvantage was that he couldn't say he was they writer. He felt in the end he was "too saucy and provoking". Because of the differences between him and his brother he asserted his freedom hoping to not be indentured. he felt taking advantage of his brother was a mistake.
5. He couldn't own a paper and still be an apprentice and he didn't really want to be in the service of his brother.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

vocab. 2

1. Disdain - n - contempt - She viewed him with disdain when she got the dreaded letter.
2. Dogmatic - adj - asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or arrogant manner - She dreaded having to work with him due to his very dogmatic ways.

3. Egregious - adj - extraordinary in some bad way - His egregious attitude got him suspended from the service.
4. Emulate - adj -  imitate with effort to equal or surpass - Petey the parrot's goal to emulate anything better than any other parrot got him ran over. 
5. Dissipated - v - scattered or dispersed - The crowd dissipated after FDR's speech on Dec. 7, 1941.
6. Diminution - n - act of lessening - The diminution of the army after WWI left the U.S. unprepared for WWII. 
7. Disparage - v - to speek of or treat slightly - Laughing hysterically, she began to
 disparage the hat he thought was so cool and he never wore it again.
8. Effervescent - adj - happy - The effervescent Milles was the only one not to get a kick out of the race.
9. Elucidate - v - make clear - "Let me elucidate this for ya, we are at war! dimwit!,"bellowed the general.
10. Distraught - adj - deeply agitated - The convict was anything but distraught when the guards came to his cell.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

p. 122 answers

1. Everything but god keeps them alive. He is saying humans are nothing special./If God drops a person, he/she would plummet into hell and nothing could stop them like a rock falling through a spider's web. If God is upset with a person then he will destroy the person, and all that would be left is dust like when the wheat goes through a threshing machine and all that is left on the floor is the chaff./
2. The Earth, Sun, animals, air, wind, and water don't serve the sinner./A storm with thunder and black clouds shows God's anger. Anger is represented by darkness and being out of control, which is like a storm.
3. Change your heart and praise God and nothing else./The bow wants to release the arrow at your heart, and it would make the bow happy to do that.The reason it is scary is that you have an arrow pointed at your heart.
4. There is no reason someone is not in Hell ever and that is where you are going. God holds you up over Hell./No one wants to be in Hell and be worried all the time.
5. Short term: you try to be better than you were, Long term: You get used to it and either become lax or keep believing.

Shakespeare's take on God is that one of his attribute is that he is merciful. That this mercy is dropped from heaven gently and absorbed by the kings, and they rule justly. Edward's sermon paints God as merciless as he can drop the hammer at any time although he is merciful because God chooses not to.

Monday, September 5, 2011

p. 108 1-3 a,b 5a

1. 200 grim courtiers who have their heads and shoulders painted red with white beads around their necks/ Powhaten was holding a court session, and to show power he dressed in his finest. Smith killed a bunch of them and only capitulated when he was too cold. It was only natural for him to think that the village people would view him as a monster for the bad deeds he did/

2. Powhaten orders the execution, Pocahontis, covers his head with hers/ It was just an adoption ritual to show that he was about to become part of the family and his "sister and family" would save and protect him/

3. food, so they don't starve to death/The colony was low on supplies and people were dying of starvation and without Pocahontis' visits and food everyone would have died.

5. I think Smith was never in peril, but misunderstood the situation and decided they were going to kill him/ I think he thought that he was telling the truth and repeated it to others to make himself look better and more heroish.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

p. 100 anwers

1. They subjected, took, used and ill used them, and ate their food./They eat a lot more than the indians cause they are fat.

2. killed 100 for every Spaniard killed./They are slaves and to keep them rebelling

3. not very well, infernal/Suffocation.

4. enslave them and work them to death, they are not human/Money, cheddar, mulla, greenbacks, dough., he became a priest and wanted more converts.

Monday, August 22, 2011

vocab. 1

1. Callous-adj-showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others- His callous comments to his fellow soldiers caused them not to be sad when he was reported KIA.

2. Capricious-adj-given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior- His capricious tendencies caused him to lose all of his money.

3. Cajole-v-persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery- Lt. Miller cajoled the MP into letting her in to see Admiral Bird.

4. Censure-v-express severe disapproval- After being let in to see him, Lt. Miller censured Admiral Bird for getting her men killed.

5. Catalyst-n-speeds up something with out changing itself- She was a catalyst for Fred to get his butt in gear.

6. Caustic-adj-sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way- His caustic comments toward a coworker caused no remose when he was ran over by a steamroller.

7. Capitulate-v-surrender- When the Nazis tried to capitulate to the Soviet Russians, they were slaughtered.

8. Celestial-adj-positioned in or relating to the sky, or outer space as observed in- The 'Cats worshiped the sun due to being the greatest celestial body.

9. Catharsis-n-the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.- The Lt.'s catharsis was released after pummeling a sandbag.

10. Carping-v-complain or find fault continuallytypically about trivial matters - He kept carping about the homework, until his dad told him to shut up.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


1. Adodarhoh/he is outlining that laws and regulations and rituals that the 5/6 nations will fallow, I think they were important because they didn't have a written language and they passed down stories and traditions orally
2. The cousin lords/ no they are just fellow lords
3. He shows them a wampum and that he will live according to the constitution/
    shall be proof against anger, can't lead others astray,
4. give thanks to the creator and nature and the tree/ They care for nature and honer it
5. Yes, they care about nature and peace so the leaders have to fallow the rules

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Vocab. 7

Thralls-n-power over someone-
Posterity-n-future generations of people-
Homage-n-respect shown publicly-
Cloistered-adj-sheltered from the outside world-
Equivocator-n-telling things with duel meaning-
Avarice-n-extreme greed for wealth-
Parricide-n-killing of a near relative-
Verity-n-true principle or belief-
Malevolence-n-a wish to do evil to others-
Eminence-n-fame or recognized superiority-
Liege-n-feudal superior or lord-