Magnanimity-adj-very generous- His magnanimity was only surpassed by his love of puppies.
Mollified-v-appease someone's anger- He would only be mollified after the menace was killed.
Adage-n-short statement that expresses a truth- Mom kept saying, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away, except when you're us."
Caste-n-system of separating classes- The Romans used a caste society with slaves at the bottom of it.
Ignominy-n-public shame- The worst part was the ignominy, it alone absolutely destroyed the poor fellow.
Cajolery-n-convince someone to do some thing through flattery- No amounts of cajolery will get me to wear the hot dog costume.
Axiomatic-adj-self evident- It is axiomatic in a democracy that people have the right to vote.
Ruminating-v-deeply thinking- I'm just ruminating out-loud, but eventually we are going to have to get something done.
Intrinsically-adv-belonging to itself- Intrinsically I always know the right thing to do.
Precipice-n- high cliff- The princess was pushed off the precipice by the prince who didn't want to marry her.
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