Tuesday, September 13, 2011

vocab. 2

1. Disdain - n - contempt - She viewed him with disdain when she got the dreaded letter.
2. Dogmatic - adj - asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or arrogant manner - She dreaded having to work with him due to his very dogmatic ways.

3. Egregious - adj - extraordinary in some bad way - His egregious attitude got him suspended from the service.
4. Emulate - adj -  imitate with effort to equal or surpass - Petey the parrot's goal to emulate anything better than any other parrot got him ran over. 
5. Dissipated - v - scattered or dispersed - The crowd dissipated after FDR's speech on Dec. 7, 1941.
6. Diminution - n - act of lessening - The diminution of the army after WWI left the U.S. unprepared for WWII. 
7. Disparage - v - to speek of or treat slightly - Laughing hysterically, she began to
 disparage the hat he thought was so cool and he never wore it again.
8. Effervescent - adj - happy - The effervescent Milles was the only one not to get a kick out of the race.
9. Elucidate - v - make clear - "Let me elucidate this for ya, we are at war! dimwit!,"bellowed the general.
10. Distraught - adj - deeply agitated - The convict was anything but distraught when the guards came to his cell.

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